Any options other than RHCE for sys admin certifications?

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Any options other than RHCE for sys admin certifications?

Post by nhpr » 2010/11/30 06:06:20

[b]Long, boring background[/b]: Recently, I've decided that being a sys admin sounds like a reasonably not-awful way to spend the day avoiding starvation. A little over a month ago, after realizing that I knew almost everything I needed for an entry-level sys admin job, I signed up for the RHCE exam and began of filling in the gaps in my knowledge. Since that time, Red Hat released RHEL 6 and informed me that the exam was changed and I should study the new material. I began doing just that. Then, however, they decided to cancel my exam. (Maybe too many people canceled at my location after the announcement?) Since the next exam in my city is over two months after the date I signed up for, and I'm slightly peeved at the way that Red Hat handled this situation:

[b]The actual, distilled question[/b]: I was wondering if there is another Linux certification that I could take that would help me get an interview with an employer? I'm guessing I'm just going to have to sit on my hands for a few months and hope that Red Hat doesn't cancel my next exam, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask.

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Any options other than RHCE for sys admin certifications?

Post by abednegoyulo » 2010/11/30 07:14:06

IMHO, the people that can answer your question are head hunters or job placement agencies in your target location. For obvious reasons, I assume that they are more than willing to help you. If you would use google, there are others that have published their statistics.

My two cents worth:
Aside from certifications, I would suggest that you also search for trends on percentage of companies that prefer certifications over experience and vice versa. The last time I checked(5 years ago), more and more companies are preferring experience over certifications. Thats the problem that fresh grads usually face, companies need people with experiences. I remember an article from a job placement agency that gaining experince does not necessarily getting a job. For example, you might want to help a group on your community on their file server, internet connection, web server, email server, etc. You might not get a huge cash, or any cash at all, on your work but what you get is something that could jumpstart your career, an experience.

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