Installing Software after Installation is way to complicated

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Installing Software after Installation is way to complicated

Post by SWAPE » 2018/12/06 15:03:47


from time to time I use Linux for programming, creating music and stuff but the most annoying thing is installing software offline. especially in a shell.
Same with CentOS.
There are a lot of reasons why certain clients needs to be offline. On an OS like Windows or MAC OS X it is NO PROBLEM.
Just insert the Disk choose the files to install and there you have it.

On Linux you're f***ed. Instead of having a simple Program which tells you what packages are on it, you have to work through tonns of commandline instructions and missing packages.

I mean I really like the way your system is set up but this isn't practical at all. I'm running Cent OS 7 and 5.5 on a virtual machine different versions but same issue. Instead of seeing what your system is capable off the user is just forbbed of with: "use yum option this and that"

Why is it so difficult to write a little program that give offline customers the opportunity to install software via menu on a terminal? Testing sourcecode on different plattforms becomes a nightmare on those situations.

And I know there are people out there who know every single command in the linux shell. But I'm not like that. I'm focused on the creative site.
Beeing creative on Linux is a nightmare.

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Re: Installing Software after Installation is way to complicated

Post by lightman47 » 2018/12/12 22:21:31

For starters. google 'epel', follow the instructions for installing the repo in Centos 7. After that, "yum install yumex".
When completed, Yum Extender will show up in your "Other" selection in the dropdown menu. There's also an 'elrepo' repo (googe again) with even more packages that also install easily ... including all their dependencies.

Unfortunately, they're ON-line. Perhaps others here can help you with your off-line requirement.

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Re: Installing Software after Installation is way to complicated

Post by jlehtone » 2018/12/14 10:26:26

Alas, there is nothing worse than GUI installers and managing software on Windows is sheer nightmare for it lacks (at least until very recently) standard practices.

Apple has at least enforced more systematic approach, but their choices evolve enlightened sovereign into strict dictator.

Any system that lets the user [to do whatever] without understanding -- without learning -- is a bad system. Convenient, yes, but detrimental for the evolution of humanity.

CentOS iso can be mounted and used as local repository. Then additional packages install relatively easily from transfer media, unless they have third-party dependencies. Those dependencies are based on the reuse-principle; it makes no sense that every "application" has to install DirectX on same system ...

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