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run a command at startup

Posted: 2013/07/21 01:45:30
by squirrelof09
I have a screen command that I'd like run on my system as soon as it comes up.

I run a teamspeak 3 server, it needs to start first, then I'd like for a java application to execute next. I already have a ts3 start script written. BUt unfortunately I can't figure out a way to get this java application to start, I have to manually use a screen command to start the application, like this
cd /home/teamspeak/teamspeak3-server_linux-amd64/tsbot
screen -S ts3bot java -mx30M -jar JTS3ServerMod.jar

How would I go about making the above command run at startup?

Re: run a command at startup

Posted: 2013/07/21 04:35:40
by mphelpsmd
Append your command to /etc/rc.d/rc.local, and it will run at startup.
