Barcode Datalogic Scanner Integration - Cent OS 5.5

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Re: Barcode Datalogic Scanner Integration - Cent OS 5.5

Post by Shaileshmoogi » 2018/01/24 16:34:36


As mentioned above my collegue Kandars the customer has about 1000 units running with Cent OS5.5 in their stores across India.

They are not inn a position to upgrade to 5.11 version.

Is their a Zbar Driver for Barcode scanners for CentOS 5.5. If available where can we download the same from

Shailesh S.Moogi

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Re: Barcode Datalogic Scanner Integration - Cent OS 5.5

Post by TrevorH » 2018/01/24 16:39:16

As mentioned above my collegue Kandars the customer has about 1000 units running with Cent OS5.5 in their stores across India.
CentOS 5 is dead. You need to be replacing all those ASAP with a supported release.

The demise of CentOS 5 was not an unexpected event. It was trailled by announcements on this forum, by mails to the mailing list, by errata issued by Redhat upstream at various different intervals for 3 whole years prior to the EOL date in March 2017. It is DEAD. Update. Quickly. Now. You've had more than 4 years notice, now you need to actually do something. Preferably starting about 4 years ago...
The future appears to be RHEL or Debian. I think I'm going Debian.
Info for USB installs on
CentOS 5 and 6 are deadest, do not use them.
Use the FAQ Luke

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Re: Barcode Datalogic Scanner Integration - Cent OS 5.5

Post by avij » 2018/01/24 22:13:01

Testing with 5.11 is a troubleshooting step. You don't need to upgrade all those 1000 systems to 5.11 for this (even though it'd be a good idea for other reasons, as kindly mentioned by TrevorH). A single non-production system at your office would suffice for this test.

If it works with 5.11, then it was probably a bug that was fixed somewhere between 5.5 and 5.11.

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