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Cpu usage statistics etc

Posted: 2011/09/27 07:31:27
by ZaNaToS

I'm running CentOS release 5.5 on a remote server (no x windows available only console).

I want to find a way to create usage statistics of the cpu of a process lets say for 24 hours.
for example my mysql server sometimes uses 15% CPU some others 35% some 105%
I would like to have a util to monitor via the user the cpu usage for 24 hours and then give me the Average CPU usage.

Do you know any util that could do that?

thank you.

Re: Cpu usage statistics etc

Posted: 2011/09/27 22:06:57
by pschaff
I don't have a specific recommendation from experience (except that 5.5 is obsolete and consequently unsupported, and a "yum update" to 5.7 is overdue) but a google on [url=]cpu usage statistics centos5 OR rhel5 OR "red hat enterprise linux 5"[/url] may suggest some options.

Cpu usage statistics etc

Posted: 2011/09/28 15:37:56
by foxb
For general monitoring

You can also create your own scrips to monitor if you do not need the GUI

Just Google linux monitoring script