Forum is a pain to use

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Posts: 12
Joined: 2005/11/21 06:47:29

Forum is a pain to use

Post by dtfinch » 2005/11/24 03:38:47

I log in, and instead of taking me to the main forum page, it takes me to the front page. When I log in, it's always to visit the forum. Then, it was hard to find the options. I was looking for an auto-login option, and was disappointed to not see it on the login screen like most forums have. Today I finally found where you keep the options. And the theme is hard to look at. I haven't tried it in IE, but it looks terrible in FireFox. This forum might get more traffic if it was easier to use, and maybe not buried so deep in the menus.

Posts: 35
Joined: 2006/01/19 13:52:23

Re: Forum is a pain to use

Post by fhj52 » 2006/02/08 16:30:14

It should work great with IE since the whole [colorful adjectives] website is built for AOL(NETSCAPE) and MICROSOFT INTERNET EXPLODER :-o :

TransMenu.isSupported = function() {
var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var pf = navigator.platform.toLowerCase();
var an = navigator.appName;
var r = false;

if (ua.indexOf("gecko") > -1 && navigator.productSub >= 20020605) r = true; // [b]gecko[/b] >= moz 1.0
else if (an == "[b]Microsoft Internet Explorer[/b]") {
if (document.getElementById) { //[b] ie5.1+ mac,win[/b]
if (pf.indexOf("mac") == 0) {
r = /[b]msie[/b] (\d(.\d*)?)/.test(ua) && Number(RegExp.$1) >= 5.1;
else r = true;

return r;
[/code]Since Firefox uses gecko, it should have been okay. :-?
[another colorful adjective] even MACINTOSH would have a better chance of support than STANDARDS COMPLIANT browsers like Opera. I have not tried Dillo here yet but I bet it has a [colorful adjective]-fit.

Somebody must have done [i]cut&paste[/i] from a MS website and have not fixed this site yet or they have a very strange idea of what a LINUX OPERATING SYSTEM website is supposed to be.

If it was not so sad, it would be really, really funny. :-x

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