Mark as read not always working

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Mark as read not always working

Post by hawkmage » 2012/07/13 19:44:10

As I go through these forums I mark them as read so that I can easily see what is new since I last looked.

Fairly frequently it doesn't work. This has happened from Fire Fox on Linux, OS X and Windows as well as with Safari on OS X.

To go along with this even opening a thread doesn't always make the thread show up as read.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

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Re: Mark as read not always working

Post by scottro » 2012/07/13 21:36:31

Yes, there are a few other threads on it. Mainly, it seems that you have to only access it from one computer and one browser on that computer, otherwise, it won't work. At least that's my experience.

Supposedly, at some point, the forum will be updated.

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Re: Mark as read not always working

Post by vonskippy » 2012/07/14 01:58:22

scottro wrote:
Supposedly, at some point, the forum will be updated.[/quote]
Bwahahahahahahaha, good one.

There's been no work on getting a decent forum/wiki for this project since it's inception. Like a bunch of housewives, they're stuck arguing over the "perfect" setup that doesn't exist instead of setting up and using great out of the box software like wordpress (blog for announcements and status updates), mediawiki (wiki for howtos and useage guides), and Phpbb (forum for support).

I'd gladly have to re-register my username and password over again (or even over and over and over again if they can't sync the three app's user base) then continue to use this out dated crap from the 90's.

I doubt it will ever happen.

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Mark as read not always working

Post by gerald_clark » 2012/07/16 15:00:55

Logout and delete your cookies for
When you log back in, all will be read.

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Re: Mark as read not always working

Post by pschaff » 2012/07/16 15:06:32

This is more appropriately a Website issue than one for User Comments so the topic is moving to a more appropriate home.

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