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Local repo server not reachable during ks install

Posted: 2018/02/05 21:40:24
by tipper1510

New to kickstart files. I have a local server where I have built up a number of third party repo directories like for postgres and Foreman... This is under/var/www/html.
This all seems to work and updates as expected. Plus the http works from other servers on the same subnet
In the kickfile file i declare my server network first and the required repos as below

# Network information
network --bootproto=static --device=ens192 --ip= --netmask= --gateway= --onboot=on --noipv6 --activate
firewall --enabled --service=http,https --port=69:tcp,67-69:udp,53:tcp,53:udp,8443:tcp,8140:tcp,464:tcp,464:udp,80:tcp,389:tcp,123:udp

#Include certain repos at install time
repo --name=CentOS-Updates --baseurl=
repo --name=Postgres94 --baseurl= ... er-x86_64/
repo --name=Foreman-Releases --baseurl= ... l7/x86_64/
repo --name=Foreman-Plugins --baseurl= ... l7/x86_64/
repo --name=puppet --baseurl=
repo --name=EPEL --baseurl=

Though during the process it stop at the selectiuon stage and state the selection source has changed.
When I do an 'Alt F2' to look at the logs, the packaging log states the repo server can't be reached.
Do I need to do more for the inital network set-up, would the firewall trust option help??

Any help would be much appreciated...