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CentOS 7.5 cause: sudo: unknown uid 10180: who are you?

Posted: 2018/05/14 18:24:53
by haracentos

I'm wondering if somebody else get that error:

Since we upgrade to CentOS 7.5 (or with a fresh 7.5 installation) we're getting the following message when we try to sudo (in fact, anything requiring our uid):

myuser@myhost testdir]$ sudo ls
sudo: unknown uid 10180: who are you?

If I type id <my uname>, CentOS will know me again. After about 5 minutes, I'll get the the error again. To trigger the problem, I just have to restart sssd

[myuser@myhost testdir]$ sudo systemctl restart sssd
[myuser@myhost testdir]$ sudo ls
sudo: unknown uid 10180: who are you?
[myuser@myhost testdir]$ id aharnois
uid=10180(myuser) gid=513 groups=513,10(wheel),1000(docker),511(vboxusers),1006(L-RND),1021(hg-gen),1013,10184,10206,10181,1019
[myuser@myhost testdir]$ sudo ls

And I also loose the LDAP groups(513,1013,10184,10206,10181,1019).

We're authenticating to LDAP using Kerberos.

Any help will be appreciated.


Re: CentOS 7.5 cause: sudo: unknown uid 10180: who are you?

Posted: 2018/05/17 12:32:39
by haracentos
I found the solution: re-run authconfig again.

To authenticate with Kerberos at install time we use authconfig to set this up.
It looks like updating to CentOS 7.5 change, invalidate, corrupt or I don't know what but by re-running the exact authconfig with the same parameters fix the problem.
