Bit Torrent Client Software for CentOS Altarch 7.6.1810 on i386

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Len E.
Posts: 20
Joined: 2014/10/11 00:04:37

Bit Torrent Client Software for CentOS Altarch 7.6.1810 on i386

Post by Len E. » 2019/02/17 05:16:07

(The software described herein has been implemented on the e16 desktop system
described in the previous post:
Updated e16 Light-Weight Alternative for CentOS Altarch 7.6.1810 on
i386, 2018/12/15).

As no Bit Torrent Client Software is available from the 32-bit base repositories,
2-step builds (rpm -ivh --nomd5, rpmbuild -bb) were used to generate the
required .i686 rpms from .src rpms for the 3 packages implemented.

Three packages, in ascending order of complexity of the build process, were
created because several timeout download failures were encountered in initial

It became clear that the failures were not caused by inherent software problems,
but by the competition of several local workstations for Internet access over a
relatively slow Internet connection. By restricting Internet access to the one
workstation on which a .torrent download was in progress, downloads were
successfully completed.
The first Bit Torrent Client implemented was Transmission.
Only 2 .src packages from the CentOS7 EPEL repository required building:
transmission, and a dependency, libmatpmp.

The complete list of modules is attached, in file CentOS7transmission.txt.
The 2nd Bit Torrent Client Implemented was ktorrent.

The 3 .src packages came from the CentOS7 EPEL repository.

Packages from the KDE desktop invariably require several KDE library
modules, adding weight to a supposedly light implementation. Because
I believe k3b is the best CD/DVD burning software available for Linux, I
accept the added KDE library weight but try to take advantage of the fact
that other useful KDE packages such as okular and ktorrent are less expensive
to implement given that k3b is already in place.

The complete list of modules is attached, in file CentOS7ktorrent.txt
The 3rd Bit Torrent Client implemented was deluge.

The top level of the module hierarchy consists of 7 deluge- modules, all noarch.rpm's
from nux's repository, which are directly installable.

The next lower level of the hierarchy are the following 6 modules, some of which
have more sublevels:

-python-GeoIP ---> simple 2-step build
-notify-python ---> simple 2-step build
-pyxdg ---> noarch.rpm, direct download from nux's repository

-rb_libtorrent ---> one lower-level build needed, asio

-hierarchy for: pygame
libmikimod ---> direct downloads from Springdale repository

-hierarchy for: python-rencode -------------> .src module from nux's repository
libdb4 ----> direct downloads from Springdale repository

NB: ran into severe problems with additional python3 dependencies: the remedy was to
install the python-rencode fc20.i686.rpm module directly, which is the exact same
version number as nux's .src module.

The complete list of modules is attached as file CentOS7Deluge.txt.
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