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i configure static ip with home router facing weird issue [closed]

Posted: 2017/09/09 13:10:27
by harishpathangay
I am facing a very weird issue with centos 7 static ip network configuration.
I did configure static ip using network configuration dialog boxes.
centos 7 is in VBox, a internet home router with ip with internet connection is used as router and internet connectivity.
My Cent OS is with staic ip with netmask and gateway as and DNS Server as

If my Internet is not up or if I do not switch on home router, db2 executables are running extremely slow.
Do I need to keep my home router on for using static ip in centos? centos comes up but db2 commands are getting extremely slow.

In Linux Mint, I also have the same configuration in VBox, Bridged Adapter with same home router and different static ip configuration. it works fine there even if internet is not up or even if home router is not on.

harish pathangay

Re: i configure static ip with home router facing weird issue

Posted: 2017/09/09 14:34:05
by harishpathangay
ok. please treat thread closed.

after I put /etc/hosts entry for static ip address , the db2 commands are running faster.

harish pathangay