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Automatically get Kerberos ticket when using Winbind

Posted: 2017/09/11 15:07:58
by blavoie

I'm figuring out how to configure our winbind to automatically get Kerberos ticket without users needed to manually invoke kinit.

Everything on /etc/krb5.conf is perfect and working as expected when manually invoke kinit and klist.

I've read that using authconfig with --enablewinbindkrb5 option should retrieves tickets on login but doesn't seems to be the case.

My full command is:

Code: Select all

authconfig --enablewinbind --enablewinbindauth --smbsecurity=ads --smbworkgroup=domain --enablemkhomedir --disablesssdauth --disablesssd --enablewinbindkrb5 --updateall
I restart winbind service, ssh back to host and klist always empty.

Is that possible, or am I missing something?
