Getting to know selinux...

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Getting to know selinux...

Post by wp.rauchholz » 2018/12/19 12:44:38

I set selinux from disabled to permissive to test selinux.
Going through the log file, there are 80 alterts (I re-labelled the entire system with /.autorelabel; reboot). Short version in attached file.
Can this be right or is there a biggues issue or is this normal?
On a sidenote; I had deleted by mistake /usr/bin and recoverd it from a backup. touch /.autorelabel; reboot ran after the incidence.

Then on the suggestion side it proposes to releabe a file/directory chosing a FILE_TYPE and giving o list of may of then. How do I know???
# semanage fcontext -a -t FILE_TYPE '/etc/'
where FILE_TYPE is one of the following: NetworkManager_tmp_t, abrt_helper_exec_t, abrt_tmp_t, abrt_upload_watch_tmp_t, abrt_var_cache_t, abrt_var_run_t, admin_crontab_tmp_t, afs_cache_t, alsa_tmp_t, amanda_tmp_t, antivirus_tmp_t, apcupsd_tmp_t, apmd_tmp_t, arpwatch_tmp_t, asterisk_tmp_t, auditadm_sudo_tmp_t, automount_tmp_t, awstats_tmp_t, bacula_tmp_t, bin_t, bitlbee_tmp_t, bluetooth_helper_tmp_t, bluetooth_helper_tmpfs_t, bluetooth_tmp_t, boinc_project_tmp_t, boinc_tmp_t, boot_t, bootloader_tmp_t, bugzilla_tmp_t, cardmgr_dev_t, ccs_tmp_t, cdcc_tmp_t, cert_t, chkpwd_exec_t, chrome_sandbox_tmp_t, chronyd_tmp_t, cinder_api_tmp_t, cinder_backup_tmp_t, cinder_scheduler_tmp_t, cinder_volume_tmp_t, cloud_init_tmp_t, cluster_conf_t, cluster_tmp_t, cluster_var_lib_t, cluster_var_run_t, cobbler_tmp_t, cockpit_tmp_t, collectd_script_tmp_t, colord_tmp_t, comsat_tmp_t, condor_master_tmp_t, condor_schedd_tmp_t, condor_startd_tmp_t, conman_tmp_t, container_runtime_tmp_t, couchdb_tmp_t, courier_exec_t, cpu_online_t, crack_tmp_t, crond_tmp_t, crontab_tmp_t, ctdbd_tmp_t, cups_pdf_tmp_t, cupsd_lpd_tmp_t, cupsd_tmp_t, cvs_tmp_t, cyphesis_tmp_t, cyrus_tmp_t, dbadm_sudo_tmp_t, dbskkd_tmp_t, dbusd_etc_t, dcc_client_tmp_t, dcc_dbclean_tmp_t, dccd_tmp_t, dccifd_tmp_t, dccm_tmp_t, ddclient_exec_t, ddclient_tmp_t, deltacloudd_tmp_t, devicekit_tmp_t, dhcpc_tmp_t, dhcpd_tmp_t, dirsrv_tmp_t, dirsrvadmin_tmp_t, disk_munin_plugin_tmp_t, dkim_milter_tmp_t, dnsmasq_tmp_t, dnssec_trigger_tmp_t, dovecot_auth_tmp_t, dovecot_deliver_tmp_t, dovecot_tmp_t, drbd_tmp_t, etc_runtime_t, etc_t, exim_exec_t, exim_tmp_t, fail2ban_tmp_t, fail2ban_var_lib_t, faillog_t, fenced_tmp_t, file_context_t, firewalld_tmp_t, firewallgui_tmp_t, fonts_cache_t, fonts_t, fsadm_tmp_t, fsdaemon_tmp_t, ftpd_tmp_t, ftpdctl_tmp_t, games_tmp_t, games_tmpfs_t, ganesha_tmp_t, gconf_tmp_t, geoclue_tmp_t, getty_tmp_t, git_script_tmp_t, gkeyringd_tmp_t, glance_registry_tmp_t, glance_tmp_t, glusterd_tmp_t, gpg_agent_tmp_t, gpg_pinentry_tmp_t, gpg_pinentry_tmpfs_t, gpm_tmp_t, gssd_tmp_t, hostname_etc_t, hsqldb_tmp_t, httpd_php_tmp_t, httpd_suexec_tmp_t, httpd_tmp_t, ifconfig_exec_t, inetd_child_tmp_t, inetd_tmp_t, init_tmp_t, initrc_tmp_t, initrc_var_run_t, ipa_tmp_t, ipsec_tmp_t, iptables_tmp_t, iscsi_tmp_t, kadmind_tmp_t, kdumpctl_tmp_t, kdumpgui_tmp_t, keystone_tmp_t, kismet_tmp_t, kismet_tmpfs_t, klogd_tmp_t, krb5_conf_t, krb5_host_rcache_t, krb5_keytab_t, krb5kdc_tmp_t, ktalkd_tmp_t, l2tpd_tmp_t, l2tpd_var_run_t, ld_so_cache_t, ld_so_t, ldconfig_tmp_t, lib_t, livecd_tmp_t, locale_t, logrotate_mail_tmp_t, logrotate_tmp_t, logwatch_mail_tmp_t, logwatch_tmp_t, lpd_tmp_t, lpr_tmp_t, lsassd_tmp_t, lsmd_plugin_tmp_t, lvm_tmp_t, machineid_t, mail_munin_plugin_tmp_t, mailman_cgi_tmp_t, mailman_mail_tmp_t, mailman_queue_tmp_t, man_cache_t, man_t, mandb_cache_t, mdadm_tmp_t, mediawiki_tmp_t, mock_tmp_t, mojomojo_tmp_t, mongod_tmp_t, mount_tmp_t, mozilla_plugin_tmp_t, mozilla_plugin_tmpfs_t, mozilla_tmp_t, mozilla_tmpfs_t, mpd_tmp_t, mplayer_tmpfs_t, mscan_tmp_t, munin_script_tmp_t, munin_tmp_t, mysqld_tmp_t, nagios_eventhandler_plugin_tmp_t, nagios_openshift_plugin_tmp_t, nagios_system_plugin_tmp_t, nagios_tmp_t, named_tmp_t, net_conf_t, netutils_tmp_t, neutron_tmp_t, nova_tmp_t, nsd_tmp_t, ntop_tmp_t, ntpd_tmp_t, nut_upsd_tmp_t, nut_upsdrvctl_tmp_t, nut_upsmon_tmp_t, nx_server_tmp_t, opendnssec_tmp_t, openshift_cgroup_read_tmp_t, openshift_cron_tmp_t, openshift_initrc_tmp_t, openshift_tmp_t, openvpn_tmp_t, openvswitch_tmp_t, openwsman_tmp_t, oracleasm_tmp_t, pam_timestamp_tmp_t, passenger_tmp_t, passwd_file_t, pcp_tmp_t, pcscd_var_run_t, pegasus_openlmi_storage_tmp_t, pegasus_tmp_t, pesign_tmp_t, piranha_web_tmp_t, pkcs_slotd_tmp_t, pki_tomcat_tmp_t, podsleuth_tmp_t, podsleuth_tmpfs_t, policykit_tmp_t, portmap_tmp_t, postfix_bounce_tmp_t, postfix_cleanup_tmp_t, postfix_etc_t, postfix_local_tmp_t, postfix_map_tmp_t, postfix_master_exec_t, postfix_pickup_tmp_t, postfix_pipe_tmp_t, postfix_postdrop_t, postfix_qmgr_tmp_t, postfix_smtp_tmp_t, postfix_smtpd_tmp_t, postfix_virtual_tmp_t, postgresql_tmp_t, pppd_etc_rw_t, pppd_etc_t, pppd_exec_t, pppd_initrc_exec_t, pppd_lock_t, pppd_log_t, pppd_secret_t, pppd_tmp_t, pppd_var_run_t, pptp_exec_t, prelink_exec_t, prelink_tmp_t, prelude_lml_tmp_t, proc_t, procmail_tmp_t, prosody_tmp_t, psad_tmp_t, pulseaudio_tmpfs_t, puppet_tmp_t, puppetmaster_tmp_t, qpidd_tmp_t, rabbitmq_tmp_t, racoon_tmp_t, realmd_tmp_t, rhev_agentd_tmp_t, rhsmcertd_tmp_t, ricci_tmp_t, rlogind_tmp_t, rpcbind_tmp_t, rpm_script_tmp_t, rpm_tmp_t, rsync_tmp_t, rtas_errd_tmp_t, samba_etc_t, samba_net_tmp_t, samba_var_t, sbd_tmpfs_t, sblim_tmp_t, secadm_sudo_tmp_t, sectool_tmp_t, selinux_munin_plugin_tmp_t, semanage_tmp_t, sendmail_exec_t, sendmail_tmp_t, services_munin_plugin_tmp_t, session_dbusd_tmp_t, sge_tmp_t, shell_exec_t, shorewall_tmp_t, slapd_tmp_t, smbd_tmp_t, smoltclient_tmp_t, smsd_tmp_t, snort_tmp_t, sosreport_tmp_t, soundd_tmp_t, spamc_tmp_t, spamd_tmp_t, speech-dispatcher_tmp_t, squid_tmp_t, squirrelmail_spool_t, src_t, ssh_agent_tmp_t, ssh_keygen_tmp_t, ssh_tmpfs_t, sssd_public_t, sssd_var_lib_t, staff_sudo_tmp_t, stapserver_tmp_t, stunnel_tmp_t, svirt_tmp_t, svnserve_tmp_t, swat_tmp_t, swift_tmp_t, sysadm_passwd_tmp_t, sysadm_sudo_tmp_t, sysfs_t, syslogd_tmp_t, system_conf_t, system_cronjob_tmp_t, system_db_t, system_dbusd_tmp_t, system_dbusd_var_lib_t, system_mail_tmp_t, system_munin_plugin_tmp_t, targetd_tmp_t, tcpd_tmp_t, telepathy_gabble_tmp_t, telepathy_idle_tmp_t, telepathy_logger_tmp_t, telepathy_mission_control_tmp_t, telepathy_msn_tmp_t, telepathy_salut_tmp_t, telepathy_sofiasip_tmp_t, telepathy_stream_engine_tmp_t, telepathy_sunshine_tmp_t, telnetd_tmp_t, tetex_data_t, textrel_shlib_t, tgtd_tmp_t, thumb_tmp_t, tmp_t, tomcat_tmp_t, tuned_tmp_t, tvtime_tmp_t, tvtime_tmpfs_t, udev_tmp_t, udev_var_run_t, uml_tmp_t, uml_tmpfs_t, unconfined_munin_plugin_tmp_t, update_modules_tmp_t, updpwd_exec_t, user_cron_spool_t, user_fonts_t, user_mail_tmp_t, user_tmp_t, usr_t, uucpd_tmp_t, var_spool_t, varnishd_tmp_t, virt_qemu_ga_tmp_t, virt_tmp_t, virt_var_lib_t, vmtools_tmp_t, vmware_host_tmp_t, vmware_tmp_t, vmware_tmpfs_t, vpnc_tmp_t, w3c_validator_tmp_t, webadm_tmp_t, webalizer_tmp_t, wireshark_tmp_t, wireshark_tmpfs_t, xauth_tmp_t, xend_tmp_t, xenstored_tmp_t, xserver_tmpfs_t, ypbind_tmp_t, ypserv_tmp_t, zabbix_tmp_t, zarafa_deliver_tmp_t, zarafa_indexer_tmp_t, zarafa_server_tmp_t, zarafa_var_lib_t, zebra_tmp_t.

How do I best go about this to make it work properly?


Posts: 3073
Joined: 2014/09/20 11:22:14

Re: Getting to know selinux...

Post by aks » 2018/12/26 07:35:08

Can this be right or is there a biggues issue or is this normal?
This could be either. All my systems run with se on and have no alerts. Another way to think oif it is if it's stopping something that you need, then it's a big issue.
Then on the suggestion side it proposes to releabe a file/directory chosing a FILE_TYPE and giving o list of may of then. How do I know???
Usually restorecon "knows". If you're using tartgetted mode, then the contexts are in /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files/.

If you're doing something different/usual, then you should know what you are doing. Let's say I want mysql to serve files from /home/mysql. I would then add the context mysqld_db_t for /home/mysql, so something like:
semanage fcontext -a -t mysqld_db_t "/home/mysql(/.*)?"
If I then ran restorecon and/or re-label that context will be applied to those files.

For /etc/, I'd choose the ld_so_cache_t type.

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Re: Getting to know selinux...

Post by TrevorH » 2018/12/26 15:01:56

If you just relabelled everything then you may be looking at older audit log entries. You can run service auditd rotate to switch out the current /var/log/audit/audit.log for a new copy then delete (or better, archive) the other /var/log/audit/audit.log.n files so that you only see new entries.
The future appears to be RHEL or Debian. I think I'm going Debian.
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