dual booted Win 7/CentOS 6.6 Wireless adapter problem.

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dual booted Win 7/CentOS 6.6 Wireless adapter problem.

Post by mrbw » 2012/03/07 01:49:42

My problem is this... I use a wireless adapter to connect to the internet but the software that bridges the adapter and drivers to my system only works on my windows os, I've been wanting to learn shell but cannot connect online to get at the resources I need. I've tried multiple things...
the most recent was to use the NDISwrapper .tar.gz but make isn't included in the system commands, tried to dpkg make so I could have that.... dpkg isn't in the commands... lol.
Would anyone have any idea of how to simplify this for a paltry noob such as myself? I really do want to learn more so I can not be so easily stumped again.

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Re: dual booted Win 7/CentOS 6.6 Wireless adapter problem.

Post by maksaraswat » 2012/03/07 22:46:34

What Linux distro you installed? Did you install the wireless card driver in CentOS? If not then download it from manufacturer's website and install it.

Also, I have seen this personally that a driver may work fine under 32-bit CentOS installation but not for 64-bit installation. What did you install?

DPKG (Debian package management system) is for installing Debian packages on such as Ubuntu and will not work on CentOS,

Can you connect to web using ethernet cable?


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dual booted Win 7/CentOS 6.6 Wireless adapter problem.

Post by pschaff » 2012/03/09 21:56:59

Welcome to the CentOS fora. Please see the recommended reading for new users linked in my signature and [url=http://www.centos.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=28723&forum=54]provide more information about your system[/url] by running "./getinfo.sh drive" and showing us the output file.

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