Exa – A Replacement for “ls Command”

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Exa – A Replacement for “ls Command”

Post by desertcat » 2018/03/20 11:51:06

Yes I know, "Nature abhors the vacuous experimenter....", but I came across this really nifty program called exa ...

https://www.tecmint.com/exa-a-replaceme ... and-linux/

I tried every which why I could think of to install this program including the simplified instructions in this above post, and went on from there, individually finding a CentOS 7 install for Rust (yum install rust-toolset-7 ); for Cargo (yum install rust-toolset-7-cargo-vendor ); for Cargo-doc (yum install cargo-doc); http-parser and http parser-devel (yum install http-parser and yum install http-parser-devel); I installed both the exa-linux-x86_64-0.7.0.zip and the exa-linux-x86_64-0.8.0.zip for exa


Nothing I did got it to work. Tried my local guru and he came up with the same results via a different direction. In short we hit a dead end.
Yet it is *suppose* to work in CentOS

https://www.2daygeek.com/exa-a-modern-r ... and-linux/#

I threw in the towel after 90 minutes yesterday and another hour today. Now I'm turning to the pool of all things CentOS:

IF you have heard of exa, and IF you after actually tried to install it in CentOS7, did you get it to work?? IF you got it to work, how did you do it?!? IF you have NOT tried it but are "curious" to try...

"Good morning Mr Phelps. The Program exa does not seemingly run on CentOS 7 machines. Your Mission, should you decide to accept it, is to get it installed on a CentOS 7 based machine and get it to run, and explain step-by-step to other "curious" people how you did it. If however you or any of your I.M. Force gets caught or killed, or your machine blows up, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. Good luck Mr. Phelps." [ Cue the music ].

WARNING: This is a head scratcher!


Posts: 843
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Location: Tucson, AZ

Re: Exa – A Replacement for “ls Command”

Post by desertcat » 2018/03/20 11:57:06

desertcat wrote:Yes I know, "Nature abhors the vacuous experimenter....", but I came across this really nifty program called exa ...

https://www.tecmint.com/exa-a-replaceme ... and-linux/

I tried every which why I could think of to install this program including the simplified instructions in this above post, and went on from there, individually finding a CentOS 7 install for Rust (yum install rust-toolset-7 ); for Cargo (yum install rust-toolset-7-cargo-vendor ); for Cargo-doc (yum install cargo-doc); http-parser and http parser-devel (yum install http-parser and yum install http-parser-devel); I installed both the exa-linux-x86_64-0.7.0.zip and the exa-linux-x86_64-0.8.0.zip for exa


Nothing I did got it to work. Tried my local guru and he came up with the same results via a different direction. In short we hit a dead end.
Yet it is *suppose* to work in CentOS

https://www.2daygeek.com/exa-a-modern-r ... and-linux/#

I threw in the towel after 90 minutes yesterday and another hour today. Now I'm turning to the pool of all things CentOS:

IF you have heard of exa, and IF you after actually tried to install it in CentOS7, did you get it to work?? IF you got it to work, how did you do it?!? IF you have NOT tried it but are "curious" to try...

"Good morning Mr Phelps. The Program exa does not seemingly run on CentOS 7 machines. Your Mission, should you decide to accept it, is to get it installed on a CentOS 7 based machine and get it to run, and explain step-by-step to other "curious" people how you did it. If however you or any of your I.M. Force gets caught or killed, or your machine blows up, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. Good luck Mr. Phelps." [ Cue the music ].

WARNING: This is a head scratcher!

P.S. Yes I also know that "Curiosity killed the cat", but don't forget the rest of the addage, "... but Satisfaction brought him back!!"


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Re: Exa – A Replacement for “ls Command”

Post by stevemowbray » 2018/03/20 13:51:45

You don't say exactly what you did, but what immediately comes to mind is that you have the devtoolset version of rust, so have you enabled it (e.g. by sourcing /opt/rh/rust-toolset-7/enable?)

What does

Code: Select all

which rustc
tell you?

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Re: Exa – A Replacement for “ls Command”

Post by desertcat » 2018/03/20 16:01:50

stevemowbray wrote:You don't say exactly what you did, but what immediately comes to mind is that you have the devtoolset version of rust, so have you enabled it (e.g. by sourcing /opt/rh/rust-toolset-7/enable?)

What does

Code: Select all

which rustc
tell you?
....I *think* CentOS 7 is back at glibc 2.10 or some such thing, yet somehow exa is suppose to work with CentOS 7. My buddy worked from a different direction but still ended up where I did. Either you end up with some message about a problem about sharing some lib or another and/or something about glibc (?) 2.18. So each time I came to a dead end I nuke rust and exa and start over...

Actually we are not as far back as I thought. Just talked to my buddy and we went looking to see exactly what version of glibc we actually have installed. We actually have glibc 2.17 installed. That means that that that while we may NOT be able to use exa-linux-x86_64-0.8.0 we *might* be able to use exa-linux-x86_64-0.7.0 assuming we can figure out how to get around the library sharing problem that is.

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Re: Exa – A Replacement for “ls Command”

Post by damonh » 2023/01/06 21:32:40

So... anyone was able to make exa work on CentOS 7?

(Linux version 3.10.0-1160.81.1.el7.x86_64 (mockbuild@kbuilder.bsys.centos.org) (gcc version 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-44) (GCC) ) #1 SMP Fri Dec 16 17:29:43 UTC 2022)

I tried using

Code: Select all

cargo install exa
and I get this:

Code: Select all

error: could not compile `exa`

Caused by:
  process didn't exit successfully: `rustc --crate-name exa --edition=2018 /root/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/exa-0.10.1/src/main.rs --error-format=json --json=diagnostic-rendered-ansi,artifacts,future-incompat --crate-type bin --emit=dep-info,link -C opt-level=3 -C lto --cfg 'feature="default"' --cfg 'feature="git"' --cfg 'feature="git2"' -C metadata=7c05d3acaf83d8ea -C extra-filename=-7c05d3acaf83d8ea --out-dir /tmp/cargo-installa9dz63/release/deps -L dependency=/tmp/cargo-installa9dz63/release/deps --extern ansi_term=/tmp/cargo-installa9dz63/release/deps/libansi_term-a9ce6dd0323c6e14.rlib --extern datetime=/tmp/cargo-installa9dz63/release/deps/libdatetime-e1666df227b8bae4.rlib --extern git2=/tmp/cargo-installa9dz63/release/deps/libgit2-a31fa53937ddca91.rlib --extern glob=/tmp/cargo-installa9dz63/release/deps/libglob-cff7647587606a45.rlib --extern lazy_static=/tmp/cargo-installa9dz63/release/deps/liblazy_static-ee6700169470b809.rlib --extern libc=/tmp/cargo-installa9dz63/release/deps/liblibc-0b54e466ca94ce53.rlib --extern locale=/tmp/cargo-installa9dz63/release/deps/liblocale-0c0448bdbb4005df.rlib --extern log=/tmp/cargo-installa9dz63/release/deps/liblog-96f33cac91f4f529.rlib --extern natord=/tmp/cargo-installa9dz63/release/deps/libnatord-dfb35e20a179042b.rlib --extern num_cpus=/tmp/cargo-installa9dz63/release/deps/libnum_cpus-abc0e85a75dd0ad3.rlib --extern number_prefix=/tmp/cargo-installa9dz63/release/deps/libnumber_prefix-5b3c63925463077e.rlib --extern scoped_threadpool=/tmp/cargo-installa9dz63/release/deps/libscoped_threadpool-a60a170d3bc7cc90.rlib --extern term_grid=/tmp/cargo-installa9dz63/release/deps/libterm_grid-0c1eede24b6ed06e.rlib --extern term_size=/tmp/cargo-installa9dz63/release/deps/libterm_size-d7d27e0239d7e108.rlib --extern unicode_width=/tmp/cargo-installa9dz63/release/deps/libunicode_width-9b8c09798f2b4661.rlib --extern users=/tmp/cargo-installa9dz63/release/deps/libusers-600cc89caa1542c0.rlib --extern zoneinfo_compiled=/tmp/cargo-installa9dz63/release/deps/libzoneinfo_compiled-c0615b71739155af.rlib --cap-lints allow -L native=/tmp/cargo-installa9dz63/release/build/libgit2-sys-5ce3c113c73620da/out/build -L native=/tmp/cargo-installa9dz63/release/build/libz-sys-e2861137d07c4ded/out/lib -L native=/tmp/cargo-installa9dz63/release/build/libz-sys-e2861137d07c4ded/out/lib` (signal: 8, SIGFPE: erroneous arithmetic operation)
error: failed to compile `exa v0.10.1`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `/tmp/cargo-installa9dz63`

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Re: Exa – A Replacement for “ls Command”

Post by TrevorH » 2023/01/06 23:44:46

It is in EPEL for el9 so perhaps try downloading the SRPM for that and rebuilding it using mock for el7. It'll almost certainly fail but you may be able to adapt that build to functrion with enough effort. Or maybe not, depends if it requires things that just are not present or not new enough on el7.
The future appears to be RHEL or Debian. I think I'm going Debian.
Info for USB installs on http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/InstallFromUSBkey
CentOS 5 and 6 are deadest, do not use them.
Use the FAQ Luke

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